Friday, September 30, 2011

Things I Have Learned Thus Far

1. Never assume that a bacon sandwich comes with anything other than bread and bacon. You will be out almost 5 pounds and very disappointed in your lunch.

2. Londoners have no fear of large, fast-moving vehicles.

3. They are, however, seemingly terrified of strangers spending too much money. On taxis, cellphones, beer- no matter where you're heading, they can direct you somewhere cheaper. And they will. You can't stop them.

4. It's ok to actually respond to "Hello, how are you?" instead of just nodding your head.

5. A lot of students I have met want to study in America. It's never really just about the destination, sometimes people just want to try something out away from home.

6. Brits watch American TV and try on American accents, which makes me feel like much less of a dork for doing it any time I watch Dr. Who.

7. Tube prices will sneak up on you faster than a bar tab.

And now for some pictures for you!

Dorm: Before

Dorm: Before

I brought some color from home.

Super Special Awesome Wall of Photos and Things

Mmm, bookcase.

My working desk. I keep things on it that inspire me to do things.

The library at my school is in a castle. No big deal.

Not a bad view from the bus stop.

Beautiful green pathways that trick you into walking everywhere ever.

This should last about a week. Thanks, Daddy!

The Monkey Puzzle. I'll probably be spending more time here, it was delightful.

Apparently disguising yourself as a Dalek was one of the many ways citizens guarded themselves against the Blitz. 

In other news, classes started this week and are so far amazing. I came into the room for my first class to see all the chairs in a circle. I love that theatre people love to sit in circles. There's no "lecture" style environment in any of my courses.

I might take up fencing again, if time permits. I hope it does.

I miss you all and will see you soon! December is creeping up quick.


  1. How are their american accents? For some reason I always imagine them saying "Howdy" a lot. Probably a misconception.

  2. I made the picture wall in your room!!!! I can continue to watch you sleep!!!

  3. Tex- The one I convinced to do her accent for me, she did a pretty funny midwestern, and a decent New Yorker. I couldn't get her to say Howdy, but my prof. today did say "Dance wit the one ya came with."

    Wynona- I wonder, and even doubt, that there's ever been a time when you haven't been able to watch me in my sleep...
