Thursday, September 8, 2011

Can I Still Be a Jetsetter if I Drive Everywhere?

A thousand miles and many many dollars in gas later, ta-da! I'm in Texas. And it's on fire.

Luckily none of my close family or friends have been directly impacted by the flames, but everyone's on guard and there is smoke in the air. A lot of it. Visible, scary, cough-inducing smoke.

Other than that, the trip so far has been fabulous, and I've been busy. Since heading to San Antonio a week ago, I've gotten to:

Eat at a Scottish pub with kilted waitstaff:

I was happy to see both sexes being treated as equal pieces of meat.

Be terrified by finding this in Jay and Kellie's hallway:

I once played a jester named Yorick. Should I be worried?
 Play video games! Ok, watch other people play video games:

"Fat Princess" is serious shit.
 Drink amazing homemade Sangria:

So good, Kellie didn't want any of it to go to waste. 
 Play with puppy!
Marty loves his balls. Well, the ones they let him keep. (Yes, I'm 12)

 And start missing the crap out of everyone in Des Moines!

Digital puppy kisses just aren't the same.
 And then I got to Houston, where I had to start doing semi-responsible tasks. Like going to the eye doctor. Surprise! I need glasses.

Now I'm that much closer to looking like Tina Fey. In my head.

Up to come while I'm still Stateside- coffee with friends, fun times with Mawmaw Ruby and some sun at the BEACH!

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