Friday, September 30, 2011

Things I Have Learned Thus Far

1. Never assume that a bacon sandwich comes with anything other than bread and bacon. You will be out almost 5 pounds and very disappointed in your lunch.

2. Londoners have no fear of large, fast-moving vehicles.

3. They are, however, seemingly terrified of strangers spending too much money. On taxis, cellphones, beer- no matter where you're heading, they can direct you somewhere cheaper. And they will. You can't stop them.

4. It's ok to actually respond to "Hello, how are you?" instead of just nodding your head.

5. A lot of students I have met want to study in America. It's never really just about the destination, sometimes people just want to try something out away from home.

6. Brits watch American TV and try on American accents, which makes me feel like much less of a dork for doing it any time I watch Dr. Who.

7. Tube prices will sneak up on you faster than a bar tab.

And now for some pictures for you!

Dorm: Before

Dorm: Before

I brought some color from home.

Super Special Awesome Wall of Photos and Things

Mmm, bookcase.

My working desk. I keep things on it that inspire me to do things.

The library at my school is in a castle. No big deal.

Not a bad view from the bus stop.

Beautiful green pathways that trick you into walking everywhere ever.

This should last about a week. Thanks, Daddy!

The Monkey Puzzle. I'll probably be spending more time here, it was delightful.

Apparently disguising yourself as a Dalek was one of the many ways citizens guarded themselves against the Blitz. 

In other news, classes started this week and are so far amazing. I came into the room for my first class to see all the chairs in a circle. I love that theatre people love to sit in circles. There's no "lecture" style environment in any of my courses.

I might take up fencing again, if time permits. I hope it does.

I miss you all and will see you soon! December is creeping up quick.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Journey Here - 2 (great big long post)

Some pictures and a few stories for ya. Picture it, London, 2011:

I woke up, apparently the only one who slept on the plane, just in time to see my first sunrise in the UK:

Well, hello there, England.

After cajoling our luggage into submission on two trains, we made it to Paddington Station:

The beautiful archways seem to empower the pigeons, who have remarkable aim.

And promptly got lost. We got our bearings after looking at a map for 10 minutes, giving up and asking a hotel doorman which way we should go. We were only two blocks away from our hotel.

Since it was only 7 am, we couldn't check in, but thankfully they let us leave the rebellious luggage. Then it was off to breakfast, and lots of errands.

Like me buying new shoes, because I couldn't take the walking in mine.

Most of this was uneventful- turns out opening a bank account in the UK is just as boring as opening one in the US- so for your enjoyment, here are a bunch of ok pictures of beautiful things!

Cheap Strongbow is a beautiful thing.

Father-Daughter time over some fish and chips!

Sight seeing on top of a double-decker tour bus. London from the River Thames.

Me and my Aunt Phoebe, enjoying the sunny-but-cool weather.

Going across Tower Bridge.

Big Ben!

I read his sweatshirt as "Student fart" because I'm 12.

And if I ever get homesick, I can go here and judge their BBQ:

Nothing says home like paying $40 for mashed potatoes.

And now, for pictures with stories:

So, there are a few culture shock things that I've encountered. Some of them you expect, like the look you get from a cashier when you inevitably refer to British Sterling as "bucks" or "dollars." Some of them catch you by surprise, like going to Argos to buy things for your dorm.

"It's a big shop, they have lots of stuff you can find there, blankets and hair dryers, anything. And at discount prices, and with guarantees."

So you thank the helpful hotel desk clerk and you follow his directions to Argos. And you hear it's like a Target, and you're excited for some kind of familiarity because it's been a long day full of new things.

You see the door sign from the street, a bright beacon of wonderful retail therapy, and you walk in and see.... computers. And little papers and tiny pencils.

After the "these are not the droids I'm looking for" moment, it turned out to be kind of cool. You browse through a touch screen for your items, write down the number and bring it up to a clerk. If they have it somewhere in back, you pay for it and they bring it to you. So as long as you don't mind blindly trusting a picture to depict what you need, it's pretty brilliant.

Aside from a disastrous attempted trip to campus, and an equally disastrous trip to Tesco through the seedy outskirts of London (only to arrive 15 minutes too late to buy a phone), everything has been splendid.

And even though I still take too long to count out change, I'm adjusting fairly quickly. For example, it only took a brief few seconds to realize that my new iron takes a while longer to change temps than my old one.

A few seconds is all it takes to burn a triangle into your shirt.

But if things get crazy I can just look out my dorm window.

Oh, right! It's ok because I live in London now.

The Journey Here - 1

I got to spend my last day in the US mostly on the beach with my wonderful Aunt Phoebe.

We went shopping on the strand,

The bottom is made of wicker! Who does that?

His name is Steve.

Rode a dolphin, 

Don't act like you're not impressed.  

And of course, spent some time at the beach!

 Then, it was time to pack and oh, you know, just move me to London.

Me, dominating my luggage. The actual trip over/drag ratio was slightly in their favor.

Farewell, US!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Update to come soon, it's just--

Until I get a phone, I'll be walking around the streets of London with this expression on my face:

"I can has phone now pls?"

Once I've thoroughly De-Buseyed my face, I will post an actual update.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Can I Still Be a Jetsetter if I Drive Everywhere?

A thousand miles and many many dollars in gas later, ta-da! I'm in Texas. And it's on fire.

Luckily none of my close family or friends have been directly impacted by the flames, but everyone's on guard and there is smoke in the air. A lot of it. Visible, scary, cough-inducing smoke.

Other than that, the trip so far has been fabulous, and I've been busy. Since heading to San Antonio a week ago, I've gotten to:

Eat at a Scottish pub with kilted waitstaff:

I was happy to see both sexes being treated as equal pieces of meat.

Be terrified by finding this in Jay and Kellie's hallway:

I once played a jester named Yorick. Should I be worried?
 Play video games! Ok, watch other people play video games:

"Fat Princess" is serious shit.
 Drink amazing homemade Sangria:

So good, Kellie didn't want any of it to go to waste. 
 Play with puppy!
Marty loves his balls. Well, the ones they let him keep. (Yes, I'm 12)

 And start missing the crap out of everyone in Des Moines!

Digital puppy kisses just aren't the same.
 And then I got to Houston, where I had to start doing semi-responsible tasks. Like going to the eye doctor. Surprise! I need glasses.

Now I'm that much closer to looking like Tina Fey. In my head.

Up to come while I'm still Stateside- coffee with friends, fun times with Mawmaw Ruby and some sun at the BEACH!