Monday, October 24, 2011

Signs of a Graduate Student

  • Instead of the "Fontenot Flu" after partying on a chilly night, you just get the flu. 
  • Your plan for watching Ghostbusters is ruined by your actualized plan of reading Chekhov's Three Sisters.
  • You pass on that last cup of coffee, afraid it might keep you up past what you now call a reasonable hour.

My 25th birthday is next week, but the simple act of approaching 30 doesn't scare me nearly as much as the idea of post-post-graduate unemployment,

So I thought I'd get any temporal angst out of the way by noting how I'm actually shaping up to be something resembling studious (as opposed to my former college trade of "getting away with things").


Now that's done, I can spend my birthday fan-girling all over the Dr. Who Experience without any qualms.

And now, pictures!

Hyde Park, you so pretty.

It's all fun and games until they bite. Seriously, toddlers can be vicious.

"New York Style" Hotdog

 I just really like this.

Oh, hey random statue lady. You hungover, too?

Me! In case you forgot.

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